As we have written our documentation in the first part, we wanted to carry out some minor renovations in the rooms.

But more and more it turned out that this was not possible. Many cables example, went through the walls of the other rooms, wood paneling covered over the entire ceiling including the entrance and ultimately we had no choice but to demolish than the entire area and remove seeds. discard that meant tear down all the walls, the old material and finally to make everything from scratch and build.

You can imagine that this has taken a long time and was also associated with a lot of dirt. To that extent we have used the time of the lockdown properly and carried out this most full work.

If you look at the pictures, you might get an idea of ​​what has changed in the house in the meantime. We are really coreing everything.

We are still not quite finished but it is every day a little better, and normal operation is possible again now.

So, come just drop in and see what ‘s happening here ….