For weeks we have only been reporting on the construction work here in our house. Actually, we would much rather write about that we can reopen and that there are some new sexy guys here – but unfortunately that is not possible. We are still in lockdown and that will certainly take a while. But based on the current figures, we think that’s absolutely right and wait patiently for the vaccinations and the warm weather in spring to ensure that things get better again. Please be patient too, even if it is difficult, as is of course for us.

Furthermore, we use the time to be able to offer you a really great location when you reopen, where you can feel completely at ease.

The rooms are slowly becoming recognizable. The walls are ready, the doors are in place and we have already started to wallpaper the walls, according to the motto of the title of this article – “Always moving forward”. It will certainly take some time until everything is really ready to receive guests again – but we promise you, when we can welcome you again, everything will really be ready.

We look forward to a carefree time with you hopefully soon. Please stay healthy.