Unfortunately, it is still the case that the erotic industry and especially the area of prostitution is put in a “dirty corner”. Certainly in some cases not entirely unjustified when you think about forced prostitution or human trafficking.

In order to change that and show you that this is a completely legal and correct business, we promised you transparency some time ago. In addition to the “Information” section, which we are constantly expanding with new information about possible illnesses related to sex, two new topics have been added to the “About Us” section:

1. Service team

You’ve probably always wanted to know what the people you talk to on the phone look like. Here you will get an overview of our team with the relevant information. So you always have a full view. We are happy to advise you and always strive to ensure you have a wonderful stay in our house.

About the article:   Our service team

2. Our house

As many of you know, we took advantage of the time during the corona pandemic and completely remodeled the rooms for our guests. The rooms are now luxuriously and stylishly furnished and named after cities. Here you will find a short description of the room as well as some pictures.

About the article:   Our house

As you can see, we keep our promise. And we will be happy to answer your questions in the future and continue to improve the promised transparency. You are important to us and we take you very seriously. Therefore, we continue to ask for your feedback, even if you may not have been satisfied. This is the only way we can constantly work on ourselves to maintain the usual standard and high quality.

Your Traumboys team